Here’s Suggested Next Steps.


Attend a Service.

Whether you’re still contemplating or have decided to officially become a part, we encourage regular attendance. Our ministry is focused on the taught and preached Word and how it applies to our daily living. Don’t miss your fuel.

Get Connected.

We are a growing ministry and that means we’re mindful about the ministries we make available. Our ministries are birthed in love and with a heart for the community. We encourage you to speak with the ministry leader and attend a meeting or event. Joining a ministry connect you.


Attend New Member Classes.

Once you have joined NRC, we asks that you attend three new member classes prior to the “Right Hand of Fellowship”. We know that it can be exciting to become a part of a ministry. Our mission is to make sure you are aware of our vision, mission, and beliefs according to the Word of God.


Grow in Christ.

We believe that one of the greatest gifts that comes with salvation is wholeness here on earth. This is experienced as we continue to grow in Him. We make available classes, resources, and qualified individuals to help anyone desiring growth. Sign up for any offerings as they become available.


Salvation is Available

Confess With Your
Mouth, Believe in
Your Heart

If you’d like to receive salvation, please complete the following form or call 919-891-4463.